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Monday, April 30, 2012

Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Cancer Treatment

People with cancer have to make different choices throughout the course of their treatment to fight against the disease, manage symptoms and deal with the side effects. Many of them are considering alternative cancer treatments including Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). CAM therapies such as yoga, meditation, herbal medication, acupuncture etc., may help people with cancer regain control over their bodies.

CAM treatments are still being widely researched for their effectiveness and safety. However, these alternative cancer treatments are known to provide relief from signs and symptoms that the disease or associated treatments may cause.

What is Complementary and Alternative medicine?

CAM is a diverse group of health care and medical systems, products and practices that are generally classified as non-standard treatments. Complimentary medicine refers to treatments that are used alongside other conventional treatments. Alternative medicine involves treatments that are used instead of standard practices.

Complementary and alternative procedures do not cure cancer, but they provide relief from symptoms, and helps patients come along. Alternative cancer treatments, unlike conventional procedures, are not scientifically proven. Hence it is important that you consult your doctor before considering any CAM procedure.

What are the different types of CAM?

There are a number of alternative cancer treatments being practiced today and they can be grouped under a general classification as follows:

Mind and body practices: Techniques such as yoga, hypnosis, meditation, creative outlets including music, dance and art therapies and imagery techniques involve the mind and body, and is based on the belief that the mind can control the body. Mind body practices are known to reduce side effects of cancer treatments and improve the emotional and physical state of well-being.

Nutritional, pharmacologic and biologic practices: Nutritional practice includes special diets and supplements such as antioxidants and coenzymes. Biologic treatments for cancer use natural dietary supplements and herbal products in the form of special diets, vitamins and foods. Botanicals, hormones and vaccines are also used for treating cancer and the side effects caused due to associated treatments.

Energy medicine: Reiki, therapeutic touch and tai chi are a few examples of energy medicine. These practices are based on the belief that controlling the energy fields that the body has, can be used to treat diseases and other conditions.

Complete medical systems: Healing systems such as homeopathy, naturopath and ayurveda are traditional approaches and beliefs that originated in different parts of the world. These complete medical systems are also used for treating cancer.

Body based techniques: Body-related manipulative practices such as reflexology, massage and chiropractic are based on working with one or more parts of the body. These techniques are generally considered to reduce the pain other symptoms.

Alternative cancer treatments have been proven to reduce common signs and symptoms that the disease and treatments may cause. Different CAM procedures may work at different levels, and the effectiveness varies from person to person. To determine the right balance between alternative treatments and conventional treatments, it is important that you work closely with your doctor.

Alternative Medicine

In Western culture, the term alternative medicine refers to any healing practice "that does not fall within the realm of conventional medicine", or "that which has not been shown consistently to be effective."Alternative medicine is often based on the belief that a particular health regimen has efficacious effects even while there isn't a body of evidence to support such a belief under the rigorous standards of evidence based medicine. In practice, alternative medicine encompasses therapies with a historical or cultural, rather than a scientific, basis.

Commonly cited examples include naturopathy, chiropractic, herbalism, traditional Chinese medicine, Unani, Ayurveda, meditation, yoga, biofeedback, hypnosis, homeopathy, acupuncture, and diet-based therapies, in addition to a range of other practices. It is frequently grouped with complementary medicine, which generally refers to the same interventions when used in conjunction with mainstream techniques, under the umbrella term complementary and alternative medicine, or CAM. Some significant researchers in alternative medicine oppose this grouping, preferring to emphasize differences of approach, but nevertheless use the term CAM, which has become standard.

Many people utilize mainstream medicine for diagnosis and basic information, while turning to alternatives for what they believe to be health-enhancing measures. Studies indicate that alternative approaches are often used in conjunction with conventional medicine. This is referred to by NCCAM as integrative (or integrated) medicine because it "combines treatments from conventional medicine and CAM for which there is some high-quality evidence of safety and effectiveness." According to Andrew T. Weil M.D., a leading proponent of integrative medicine, the principles of integrative medicine include: appropriate use of conventional and CAM methods; patient participation; promotion of health as well as treatment of disease; and a preference for natural, minimally-invasive methods.

A 1997 survey found that 13.7% of respondents in the United States had sought the services of both a medical doctor and an alternative medicine practitioner. The same survey found that 96% of respondents who sought the services of an alternative medicine practitioner also sought the services of a medical doctor in the past 12 months. Medical doctors are often unaware of their patient's use of alternative medical treatments as only 38.5% of the patients alternative therapies were discussed with their medical doctor.

The use of alternative medicine in developed countries appears to be increasing. A 1998 study showed that the use of alternative medicine had risen from 33.8% in 1990 to 42.1% in 1997. In the United Kingdom, a 2000 report ordered by the House of Lords suggested that " data seem to support the idea that CAM use in the United Kingdom is high and is increasing." In developing nations, access to essential medicines is severely restricted by lack of resources and poverty. Traditional remedies, often closely resembling or forming the basis for alternative remedies, may comprise primary health care or be integrated into the health care system. In Africa, traditional medicine is used for 80% of primary health care, and in developing nations as a whole over one third of the population lack access to essential medicines.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Alternative Medicine Techniques For The Modern World

The Western world is generally perceived to be the bringer of modernity, and oftentimes, their particular standard when it comes to certain areas of life, such as medicine for example, is deemed to be the ultimate and absolute measurement for modern living.

In the field of medicine, for example, it has been traditionally perceived that mainstream medical treatments are the only acceptable means for treating patients with several diseases. Lately however, with the growing acceptance of alternative medicine techniques that employ unconventional treatment methods, but are nonetheless proven to have healing capabilities, the Western standard is slowly opening up to these newer treatment techniques.

Alternative medicine techniques refer to certain treatment approaches that deal with an illness from another medicinal approach. For example, these techniques might originate from indigenous and traditional practices and utilize unconventional treatment tools, and have only been recently discovered by modern scientists. Moreover, in the United States, several collected pieces of evidence have proven that these medicine types are effective for several conditions such as neck and back pain, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and many more.

Here are some popular examples of these techniques:

The first one is Acupuncture. This alternative technique has long been practiced in China. As a matter of fact, it's already been in use for 2,500 years for treating several diseases and conditions, such as back pain, bone or joint injury, allergies, gout, and even severe headache. This technique is executed by inserting one or more needles in specific areas of the body and in different depths, and are left there for approximately 20 to 30 minutes. Many people have since testified that acupuncture is effective and has treated them either incrementally or fully - and the explanation for this is that the needles are inserted in specific areas that coincide with the body's line of energy.

Another alternative technique is the Craniosacral therapy. This was introduced in the 1970s by John Upledger, and is done by exerting mild pressure in certain key areas of the cranial bones, specifically near the skull's sutures. Moreover, this can also be done on the whole body, but the exerted pressure should specifically be mild. With these strategic applications of pressure, CST generally corrects the body's dysfunctions and imbalances that may be contributing factors to painful conditions. Some of the diseases that CST specifically targets include back and neck pain, TMJ dysfunction, orthopedic problems, central nervous system disorders, and reflex sympathetic dystrophy.

Medical massage therapy is, of course, another popular alternative treatment option, and is widely perceived to be one of the more well known alternative medicine techniques. Medical massages are widely offered in hospitals because of their inherent capability to relieve certain painful ailments and medical conditions.

Moreover, since 2004, these add-on services have been offered 30% more to hospital patients because of their established alleviation for not just pain management, but even for anxiety and depression. The major conditions that medical massage therapy targets are stress relief, relief for patients with cancer, and of course pain management. The more popular massages include the Thai massage, Swedish massage, hot stone massage, deep tissue massage, and Marma therapy massage.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Advantage Of Alternative Medicine To People

If you have a healthy body it means that you also have a very healthy mind. If you are a wealthy individual, but your health is not in good condition, you will not enjoy life. All of your wealth will be wasted in finding the right healthcare that can make you well again. If you feel that there is something wrong n your body, you need to consult a doctor right away in order to feel well again. This is an important reminder that you need to keep in mind. In this modern world that is filled with new technology and advancement, alternative medicine is still very in demand for people who are looking for wellness.

There are lots of new diseases that have been discovered these recent times and all of these diseases are treated with generic drugs that doctors prescribed to their patients. These drugs are produced with the help of different chemicals that might harm the body that is why it is not advisable to always take medicines right away if you feel that there is something wrong in your body. There are therapies and health care methods that can help you solve different health problems without the need to take drugs that is chemically produced.

There are cases reported that people raking chemically produced drugs suffered from different side effects. Alternative way of curing diseases is giving a healthy and safe option to heal with the help of herbals and many natural ingredients that can be found within the environment. This method of curing diseases does not have any side effects that can harm your body. These alternative medicines are available even without any doctors prescription. Today, there are more and more people buying for alternative medicine as the fastest and safest way to recover from different kinds of illnesses.

There are many illnesses that can be cured with the use of alternative methods. For example, if you have tinnitus, you can go for alternative methods for treating tinnitus. There are different methods and types of alternative medicine, but not all of these were approved by different healthcare professions around the world. The reason for this is because many of these methods are nit analyze as well s tried by different drug control authorities.

The fact is that most f these alternative methods are made from natural ingredients such as herbs and other natural ingredients that are very safe for human consumption. These herbs are proven to have many therapeutic values without any side effects. Natural remedies like theses can give you the wellness that you need without the risk of having any side effects. Therefore, if you are going to use alternative method for curing tinnitus you can be rest assured that you will not suffer from any adverse side effects.

In the past, alternative health is very rare that available in some places, but the advancement of technology also help alternative medicine to reach many people all over the globe. Many alternative treatments today are mass produced to help many people who are in need of genuine care and health. There is no need for you to wait for herbalist to finish your medicine, because it is now available off-the-shelf. Complementary medicine can be bought in different drugstores that is why many people can now take the full advantage if alternative treatment for different health problems. Acupuncture as well as massage is also considered as alternative methods that can improve the health of anybody who will undergo this process. These processes are now being recognized all over the world by different healthcare professionals.
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