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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Type 2 Diabetes And Diet Natural Home Remedy

High blood sugar is the most obvious symptom of type 2 diabetes from which over 20 million people suffer in the United States. What follows this are other serious complications such as vision loss, failure of kidneys and heart disease. This is what we should fear if we have developed diabetes. Diet is the most effective natural home remedy and treatment for type 2 diabetes. This is a disease of over-consumption and is caused by the rich fatty sugary diet that is common in the west. We observe in cultures which still eat their traditional diet, that diabetes is not common. When these same cultures migrate to the west and consume the rich western diet, diabetes risk elevates greatly proving that the problem is not genetic. At the beginning of the 1900s, diabetes was rare because foods were not processed with fat and sugar added. There were no fast food restaurants and people ate a traditional agrarian diet. Food was prepared at home.

Too much fat in the diet and blood interferes with the ability of insulin to function and, because of this, we develop what is known as insulin resistance. There is nothing wrong with the pancreas. It is pumping out more than enough insulin. The body is not able to process the insulin due to excess fat in the blood. We consume 47% of our calories as fat in the standard US diet and it should be around 10%. Then we compound the problem by flooding our bodies with huge quantities of sugar. In the 1920s a person would consume about 5 pounds of sugar annually. Today, we consume nearly 150 pounds of sugar annually!

Following a plant based whole foods diet will eliminate type 2 diabetes in most every case. Whole foods means whole grains and no processed foods such as oil. There is no healthy oil. Pause to consider that our bodies did not evolve over 100,000 years with access to bottles of olive oil hanging from trees. It has been proven in numerous scientific studies that we get all the protein we need from plants which include vegetables, fruits, grains and beans. All of the largest most powerful animals on our planet eat only plants. Primates are 99.99% plant eaters.

The main orthodox method of treating type 2 diabetes is to prescribe medications that lower glucose. These do not address the cause of the disease and do nothing to discourage us from continuing our unhealthy eating habits. Many of these medications stimulate weight gain thus increasing the severity of the diabetes. And the most important thing to remember is that these medications will do nothing to curtail the horrible complications that will eventually occur with type 2 diabetes.

A plant based diet is a natural home remedy for type 2 diabetes and the side effects are all positive! You will feel better, lose weight and live longer.

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