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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Natural Treatment for Arthritis

There is a Natural Treatments for Arthritis that can completely reverse all symptoms and allow you pain free ease of movement for the rest of your life. You will be able to ditch the harmful pharmaceutical drugs and their nasty side effects for good.

The Natural Treatment for Arthritis requires a shift in both diet and lifestyle and when this is actioned then a profound and dramatic effect can be noticed within a week, depending on the severity of your symptoms and level of toxicity in your body, because no matter what you have been told the cause of arthritis is, I am hear to let you know that it is simply a condition of over toxicity of the tissues and joints on the body.

The Natural Treatment for arthritis is to simply undertake a program of detoxification of the organs, cells, tissues and joints of the body. This also means completely cutting out or seriously reducing some of the foods and drinks that have created the problem in the first place.

Few people are willing to give up, or as I like to say "Free Yourself" from these addictive habits. In fact one client I had was crippled and in pain with Arthritis. I've known him for years and every time I saw him he was always complaining about his aches and pains and how uncomfortable he was. I sat him down and explained that his arthritis was caused by over-acidification of his body, and that his habit of drinking alcohol every day and eating a large fried breakfast every morning were contributing to the toxic overload on his body. I recommended that he cut down on the alcohol and clean up his diet, and seeing the agony he was obviously enduring even walking around the house I was shocked to hear his reply of "Roll on Arthritis". He would rather welcome Arthritis with open arms than give up drinking alcohol every day and stop eating fried food. It really does still blow my mind today that many people would rather live a sub-standard life and die a painful drawn out death than simply change their diet. They may as well be a heroin or a crack addict!

So the first thing on the road to recovery and healing is to have the right mindset and be willing to do whatever it takes to get the result you are looking for. Then cut out Meat, Dairy, Eggs, all processed foods and for quickest results eat an organic raw vegan diet. Eat foods that are high on the alkalinity scale, such as leafy greens, cucumbers, avocado, broccoli, raw almonds, and lemons.

Do a juice cleanse to fully flush the body of toxins and acidic waste. It is the acidic crystals that build up in the joints and tissues which causes most of the pain and inflammation so this natural alkalising diet is the best natural treatment for arthritis. And while diet is the number 1 thing to change, both exercise and a relaxed stress free life will also greatly increase your healing.

I recommend rebounding everyday on a mini trumpet to move the lymphatic system, remove blockages and aid in the release of toxins. Yoga and Tai Chi are also beneficial and a warm dry climate can also make all the difference and provide you with an effective natural treatment for arthritis.

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